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Help Bring Cabaret to Prince William County!

We Need YOUR Support.

Building The Stage

Bringing Cabaret to PWC


Perimeter Stage Curtains

Enhance the ambience and acoustics with high-quality black velour curtains


Theatrical Lighting

Create the perfect mood with an advanced lighting setup for a mesmerizing cabaret experience.


Technical Expertise

Professional project management and technical support for a seamless and enchanting setup. 


Impactful Programming

Support creative initiatives such as workshops, special programs and exclusive performances to take place in our cabaret performance.

Cultivating Art & Community

The Power Of Performance

As we continuously discover the greater impact of the arts on our society, Edutainment is tasked with ensuring that artists and our surrounding community begin taking a much-deserved front row seat. We believe in the power of performance art to shape an area's heritage, bringing diverse groups together to celebrate art, culture, and creativity. 

Revitalizing The Artscape

The OSA Cabaret is an ambitious project that seeks to spark economic, cultural, and artistic growth across Northern Virginia through a focus on community engagement, accessible professional opportunities, and partnerships with established cabaret businesses located in New York. 


The result is  the development of a cultural oasis right in the heart of Northern Virginia

Cultural Oasis

The construction of the Open Space Arts Cabaret Room will mark an immeasurable step towards advancing the arts in Prince William County, effectively enriching the lives of community members for generations to come.


OSA Cabaret will write the narrative for the next generation of creatives while giving way to opportunities for artistic career development that would otherwise not be present and accessible


Our Goal

We are seeking a campaign goal of $80,000 to support the creation and subsequent programming efforts of the OSA Cabaret room.



For more information on how we plan to build, operate, and grow the OSA Cabaret Project into a meaningfully impactful hub where the arts collide, please view our strategic plan.

To learn more about the impact, features, programs, and artistic development opportunities we are looking to bring to Prince William County through the OSA Cabaret Project, please view our cabaret overview PDF.

Make Your Statement

Support The Arts,

Shape The Cultural Landscape,

Weave Our Artistic Heritage.

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2024 Edutainment at OSA | Designed by I.E. Luckey

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